Celebrating their debut LP release Bathroom Party from the seething clump of action THwup! that is Crypt Records, Atomic Suplex ventured over to Japan for another string of shows in the Tokyo area. It has been nearly customary to set up some shows for them, and this year I felt like the band had been "made," yes, in the Goodfellas sense, that they were now a Crypt band and our Japan circle could enjoy benefits (or just plain fits) by association. After all Kub from THEEE BAT appears as support on Bathroom Party and I released the first split 7" with ATOMIC SUPLEX and THEEE BAT on my Swamp Fiction Label. Whatever, it was just a great excuse to party in Japan in the toilet or wherever!
The first show, Sex & Fury & RnR Vol.14, took place at Orange County Brothers on Friday, April 6 in Yokohama. The 2010 Atomic Suplex tour was well documented in a special DVD in the Sex & Fury & RnR video series and features other Japanese garage bands too many to name here. This nite was notable for being BRAZIL UFO's last show before lead wild man Bancho headed for sunny Okinawa. ATOMIC SUPLEX got warmed up to the feedback, then witnessed ED WOODS' splatterfest, 少女 サバト's lolita grind-core and punk rush of the JET BOYS.
MYSTERY MONDAYS Vol.7 blasted off on Saturday nite with a bent towards a British vibe. One-time London resident and DAncer DAnger front-woman Tommi Tokyo, being friends of friends of ATOMIC SUPLEX, expressed delight at sharing the stage with them at Hatagaya Heavy Sick.

THE VOLUME OUT joined their second ATOMIC SUPLEX Japan jaunt. The MINNESOTA VOODOO MEN, recent returnees from a stint in the UK and EU, brought a slick mod beat to the bash while Tokyo Back from the Grave frat-crunchers THE GREAT MONGOOSE helped turn the show towards a more Crypt-crunched direction. Sandwiched in between all this noise 'n' madness was a burlesque show by the beautiful cutie MIWA-ROCK! By the end of her electrifying performance, she stripped down to pasties on her nips (which put some naughty ideas into the head of Atomic Suplex's Emma... to be continued).

ATOMIC SUPLEX took to the stage blaring and blazing. Churning out their brand of high-power RnR while Stuart growled from the guts straight into the mic attached to his commander helmet... all of a sudden, Emma's shirt comes off to reveal Miwa's very own pink nipple pasties! Suplexendous! Until one pasty took a nose-dive leaving Emma to cup her boob... while still shredding along to "Diamond Skull!" or whatever song they were playing, I can't remember! Before the end of the set, Mika & Kub from THEEE BAT made a special guest appearance for a frantic session! Throughout the night garage party music was provided by Yours Truly & DJ Akko Champion as well as DJ Daddy-o-nov... what would a Crypt Record release party in Japan be without the mastermind behind Tokyo's own long-running Back from the Grave garage punk rave!

Detroit Jack (of Future Now Records) was present in full effect, getting roped into some mischief and tide up in all the right ways! Thanks to him for the pics I ripped from his pseudo-blog, which can be viewed here:

Too bad I can't speak for Beaver Shot! at UFO CLUB on Sunday, April 8th. Yours Truly had to commit to a Monday morning work obligation, so I wasn't there. But this was the 'old friends' nite with VIVIAN BOYS, THEEE BAT and organized by BEAVER PATROL, with members of THE FADEAWAYS! THE CHOCOLATES also gave their first performance with ATOMIC SUPLEX. I heard reports of destroyed drumkits and more venue banning, so I guess it all went alright!