On Friday, April 6 ATOMIC SUPLEX trashes up Yokohama with the best of 'em at Sex & Fury & R'n'R! Come out to Orange County Brothers in Tennocho Yokohama for some killer RnR action with ED WOODS, JET BOYS, a special last performance by BRAZIL UFO and more!
Then confound and mystify your self at HATAGAYA HEAVY SICK on Saturday night April 7! The Stately Wayne Manor presents HOUSE of MYSTERY Vol. 7! A super spectacular garage punk showdown with some of classic acts like THE VOLUME OUT, MINNESOTA VOODOOMEN & THE GREAT MONGOOSE championing ATOMIC SUPLEX's new Crypt Records LP release! Back from The Grave hearse driver DJ Daddy-O-Nov will be on hand to for this ghastly "Back from the Crypt" party!

And if you still got gas, head on out to UFO CLUB on Sunday nite for "Beaver Shot!" If you like THE FADEAWAYS' "Teenage Shutdown" party, this is kinda like it's evil twin... Toyozo has a new band BEAVER PATROL and there will be some of the old guard namely THEEE BAT & VIVIAN BOYS supporting ATOMIC SUPLEX as they have done for countless years past! Not to mention raunchy blues garage band THE CHOCOLATES!
ATOMIC SUPLEX JAPAN TOUR 2012 explodes the first weekend of April, so get your riot gear ready and be sure to pick up the ATOMIC SUPLEX split 7" with THEEE BAT, the Sex & Fury & R'n'R Semi-special DVD or their latest CRypt Records LP "Bathroom Party" so you can take it home with you and drive your neighbors up a wall!
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