That's not to say Detroit Jack won't be leaving without any fanfare! Future Now Recordds is bringing THE DOGS back to Japan for four incredible nites of ROCK fantasy! Hit Fifi's bar Poor Cow in Shimo-kitazwa on Friday, April 8th for a special acoustic show and record signing. Get electric, or eleki maybe, on Sat. April 9th at SHINJUKU RED CLOTH with THUNDER ROADS, THE RAYDIOS, JACKIE & THE CEDRICS & ELECTROPHONIC! Wild 60's rockin' dance tunes by SWANK DJ WILD OX!
Yours truly, The Stately DJ Wayne Manor, was asked with great honor to spin loud 'n' fast vinyl punk trash at UFO CLUB in HIGASHI-KOENJI on Sunday, April, 10th and also HATAGAYA CLUB HEAVY SICK on Monday, April 11th! Head to UFO for post-punks NANOX, legendary girls garage group SUPERSNAZZ, trash rockers FRANTIC STUFF & Motor City-style madmen THE GIMMIES! Special going away present for Detroit Jack will be a strip tease by the jaw-dropping, tittee-twisting burlesque beauty MIWA-ROCK!
And if you still have blood flowing through your veins after all that, come on out to my home turf CLUB HEAVY SICK for a trash-sick monster-bash with frantic trio THEEE BAT, muddy fuzz from nUEyIN, Max retro RnR band SONIC GANG, leather-clad screeching machine THE FACEFUL & non-stop garage RnB action by the MINNESOTA VOODOO MEN! Oh did I forget to mention THE DOGS will be there too? Do it for THE DOGS baby! Turn on & turn it up all you Motor City Muthfu&#%*$!!!!!!WOOOOOOOOOFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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