With gut-wrenching sorrow I had to say farewell to one of the best friends I have ever known in my Tokyo existence. With his research into the underbelly of the Japanese music world complete, loco muchacho Jose has moved on to Arizona to finish the scholarly work he started 2 years ago. And what better way to say sayonara than with an all out bash at Club Heavy Sick with his favorite trash thrashers on hand! Not to mention a sultry reunion with the sexy CocoFlame who played foil to his Senor Santa at the HOUSE of MYSTERY XXXmas party of 2011!

The unmentionable attractions of the tear-jerking evening included Yokosuka knuckle-draggers d/i/s/c/o/s, back from the grave robbers THE FADEAWAYS, frat-hoppin' rockers STOMPIN' RIFF RAFFS, beat-sloppin' horror THEEE BAT & B-movie dudes ED WOODS!

The DJ station was kept rockin' by the jamming wax thrown down by DeeJays LEMON WHISKERS and Back from the Grave Svengali DADDY-O-NOV... But the highlight for most was DJ SENOR! That is Jose in his loco Mexicano persona dishing out some of his own hot tamales on the turntables!

With a special cake & cookies made by Stompin's own Miku-chan, not to mention all the friendly faces that came out, the HOUSE of MYSTERY achieved the home-party vibe that I strive for! And Senor Jose was blown away by all the well-wishing and wild-hearted revelry everyone brought with them. I have a feeling he took a lot of it back to arid Arizona with him!

As a shaky Mika Bat slurmised on stage "NEVER SAY GOOD BYE!" Until we meet again... and I'll leave it at that!

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